My blog about fun day at school



Malo,namaste,bonjor and all warm greetings to you all. Today, I will be talking about the Waka Ahukura’s fun day. We had bouncy castles and water slides. It was verey fun and cool to play with my friends on the bouncy castles. But it was kinda not fun for me any more because a boy in room 2 was fighting with me. He jumped on me on purpose then I said, ”what’s your problem?”  Then he said, ”Do you want a blow up?” and I said, ”whats a blow up?” and he said, ” A punch!” then I said,” no!” So, I replied back to him but I didn’t punch him. Then he scracthed my foot and after he went up the slide.  I  pushed him down, after he came back up he pulled me down the slide and also pulled my hair and kicked my eyes. After, he left . It was sore so I told the teacther and we both said sorry to each other . It was worth it because we had to get in a group of ten so we all could get some fizzey drinks, hot chips and pizzas. It all was very yum and fun, to play and eat. That is my blog about my Ahukura’s fun day. Hope to see your wonderfull blogs!  Bye for now.

The vector wero white water park


My class and I went to the Vector Wero Waterpark. When we got there it was so cool, but they had to tell us the instructions first like: If you fall out of the raft don’t stay under there because they can’t see you,  just swim back to the side and they will pull you up. And you have to hold the t looking shape on the padle so it doesen’t hit anyone in the face. If you fall out of the raft then they will throw a rope and yell rope rope  then you have to  put it in front of your shoulder and hold it so they can pull you up to surface. When we got in to the raft we were going backwards, frontwards and even sideways, the water was super cold and also deep and fun! When i was paddling my paddle fell into the water and then the guy who was in our raft, pulled my paddle back in for me. Every raft has an instructor our instructor was italian and was also so cool. When we went into the river luge it was very bumpy it was so bumpy that i bumped into Imannuel and hurt me and his knee it was so painfull and fun at the same time. But my favourite part was when we went down the luge and into the river and this is when my teacher whaea Tracey took our team photo. and that is my trip to the vector wero white water park.

Micro bit coding

Kia ora, one of the things I did today was getting to know what Micro:bits. They are these little  square mother boards that do what ever you want it to do, but you could only use programs to control the micro bit. You can also make it spell your name, count down, shapes and patterns. My favorite bit about it is that it could spell your name because you could also make it loop your name on it and that is about Micro:bits. I would like to see one of your cool masterpieces soon bye.

Mincraft coding

Kia ora this is my blog about Mincraft coding. Its like normal Minecraft but you have to use coding to control your character and work around the place to complete different stages. It is very cool to play! My favorite part of it, is that you have to use different command blocks to complete the stage. That is my blog, bye! I would love to hear from you…

Homai’s got talent

During Homai’s got talent  when we where about to perform I

felt super exited and just a little scared but it was worth it though because we came 2nd place and got candy bags, and after we all took a pictures on the stage. Before we even did the show we did so much practice and these cool dinosaur masks and that was a cool day.

Google art drawing-matariki

Malo lei lei

Today I’m going to share with you what I have been learning about in my class. One of the best things I learnt was doing google drawing – matariki stars because it is very fun and cool to do. It is also very colorful and is cool to celebrate. There is also decorative and beautiful, it would be cool to see one of your masterpieces on here. I would love to hear from you another time. Bye

Dance party coding






One of the best things I have learnt today was learning about Dance party coding and making animals dance and do cool moves and cool  songs. Also it’s like we’re controlling the animals, there’s so many cool songs to choose from and it’s a really cool, amazing and fantastic app. Bye I really look forward to you all commenting on my blog Bye.


My favorite book from epic so far is master hamsters science book’s

because it is a comic book and i love comic book’s and at the end of the

book they show u science experiment’s and lastly it has a play quiz at the

very end.

All about me.

malo lei lei and all warm greetings to you all welcome

to my all about me poster as you can see i have lots of different

things i like for example

My favorite color is teal,white and silver

My favorite car is a Nissan G-T-R sports car#

My favorite food is crispy cream donuts,noodles,mcdonald’s

bye see you soon for now


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